After free registration you have limited access to StahlDat SX and full access to Copper Key and AluSelect databases
Extends the accessible material data in the StahlDat SX by: Standards, Manufacturers, Metallography, Hardenability curves, Electrical steel and sheet metal, Classification according to 'CN - Combined Nomenclature' and Substances
Grants you access to professional tools and data in the StahlDat SX like: FOSTA reports, technical books and regulations, flow curves, sheet steel data and tests, thermophysical data, transformation diagrams TTT/CCT
In addition to the metalic databases, you get access to the PolymerVault with a wide variety of polymer material data from over 5000 manufacturer datasheets and the digitalized version of the MMPDS (Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization) discovering materials specialized for the usage in the aerospace industries.
With Matglobe4Education we provide a database including materials from different categories like steels, nickels, ceramics, glasses, polymers, woods, composites and much more. With over 500 materials Matglobe4Education grants access to material data to enable a deeper understanding for materials and their usage. Therefore it is perfectly suited for teaching at technical colleges and universities.
With Materials as a Service, you have the option of receiving and managing master data based on the Matglobe databases. In addition, your company’s own or new materials can be created and maintained with the workflows provided for this purpose. In order to be able to use this data for CAE & CAD software, adapted exporters are available for you. For a complete, seamless integration of data, models and knowledge into your company structure, we offer EDA® as a software management solution. A dedicated server with administration rights is made available to you for this purpose.
For any requests or question please contact us.